Yes, the soul is the bridge between the human aspect of you and pure Being, pure Awareness … THIS that breathes you.  And yet, do not fall into the trap of believing that these are separate entities or beings.  THIS is a spectrum of awareness.  The soul is every bit a part of pure Awareness as you are, and you are every bit as much a part of the soul as the soul is part of you.  Think ocean, wave, and drop of water.  Inseparable, for Consciousness is indivisible.  And what does this mean for you at the human end of the spectrum of Love?  Well, if that last question equating all of THIS to Love made you smile in recognition, then all is well, as it always has been.  You are loved, for you are Love.  You arise from the sea of Love, little droplet of God!  And when life it seems so dire, or even when it is ecstatically blissful, all you need do to go Home is dissolve your awareness back to your True Nature for just a while before bursting forth again in and as Awareness to shine your love-light on the world.  This is it.  This is the basic message.  Understand THIS, and you have the keys to the Kingdom.