So much going on.  So much to unsettle you … if you let it.  Yes, you are in control.  Always.  It may not feel like it.  So many others seem to pull the strings, hold the power.  There is one thing you can control:  your focus.  You cannot even control the thoughts that pop into your mind, but you can give them power or not.  You can believe them or not.  What?  Not believe your thoughts?  How would your sense of peace change if you did not believe every thought or give it power?

Choose carefully what you give credence to and to what and whom you give power.  What if you simply breathe and go to the inner world of serenity and peace just long enough to realize there is another world?  Does it make the world go away?  No, but it may just give you a new focus, a new perspective when once again you focus outward.  Shift your perspective often.  You are not stuck.

You are so very loved.