She was such a bright light, and so was he.  And now it seems that light has gone out.  Certainly it is gone from your presence, but what remains?  A glow in your heart.  That is the part of your loved one that can never be extinguished.  While you remain in human form you may no longer see their eyes or touch their skin with yours, but you can feel that glow any time you bring them to mind.  Yes, there is an ache there in the heart, for the glow was so strong.  It remains so.  Know that they live on, not just in your memories, but as close as your breath. 

The light never goes out.  There can be no death of light, only perceived darkness.  Light is Light.  Open your heart and dive in until both of your lights are fully aware that there is naught but Light, naught but Love, which can never be separated.
