When it is so
quiet that you can hear a pin drop, then you could actually hear a choir of
angels sing.  Your brain shields you from
the many voices passing through your energy field, and this is a very good
thing, for there is nothing but energy all around you and passing through you.  When you do hear a voice in your head, we can
help you to sort out which voice is worth listening to. 

Listen to
your body when the message flits through the mind so quickly and softly that
you are not quite sure you heard it.  How
did that message feel?  Was it
Truth?  If you are not sure, wait until
you are in a place where you truly could hear a pin drop.  Calm the human mind with a few deep breaths,
and ask for clarity.  “Was I making that
up?” you may ask about the original message. 
“What are You trying to tell me?” 

In this way
of believing that there is a Source of wisdom speaking to you, and then having
the intention of hearing the Answers, you open the communication circuits.  The final element is trust.  Belief, intention, and trust—the triad of
truly hearing.