kayakWhat is a snag?  Something that catches something else.  A kayaker knows this as a branch in the water that interrupts the paddler’s flow.  A person wearing a sweater knows it as a pull in the yarn that results when the material is caught on other material.  Be aware of snags in your mind.  When things in the material world catch your attention and stop your flow, be aware.  That is Awareness—the Light—trying to get your attention.

Snags can be so little that you ignore them, or they can be so great that you cannot help but notice.  Big or little, pause in that moment that something snags your human awareness and ask Awareness—Spirit—“What do I need to know in this moment?  Why this snag?”  Play the game of “Snag and Seek” and we daresay you will begin to experience the wonder of being awake and Aware.