Not everything is a sign from your loved ones.  In your desire to know they are around, the temptation to assign meaning to that which has no significance in the moment can occur.  Does this mean you are not connected?  Not at all.  If the event caused you to think about your loved one in a heart-connected way, rest assured, they are aware of this.  In this way, you are sending them a sign with your thoughts.  Signs from across the veil come with a knowing, a timeliness, a hint of magic, and at times far more than a hint.  They hit you like a tsunami, knocking you over with their significance.  Whether soft or loud, these shout-outs from across the veil cannot be denied.  Be on the lookout, why don’t you.  They are not continuous, for that would take away the sparkle and the mystery, but just when you least expect it, the Joy! 

Know, please:  You are so very loved.
