Does it become tiresome to be around those who speak often of their
ailments, aches, and pains?  Yes, of
course, feel compassion for those who prolong their problems by giving them power.  And now how about your own wounds … those
silent ones you carry around in your emotional body?  These are the ones you have carried since
childhood or adolescence—the ones you allow to define who you are.  Perhaps you do not do so publicly, but do you
not return to those events over and over as excuses for the way you are
now?  Can you not thank them for their service
and cease giving them power?  Can you see
how they have shaped your life and now reshape your future free of scar tissue?

It can get “old,” as you say, listening to others go on and on about
their aches and pains.  Send them much
love.  And then ask, what goes on inside of
you?  There is no need to carry around
old wounds.  Have they served you long
enough?  Set them free in an
instant.  Send yourself love, and start
anew.  It is that easy.