You pay attention to every little ache and pain, do you not?  In most cases you take action to make the
pain go away.  In some cases you put a band
aid on it, but you do not get to the root cause.  We wish to tell you today that you do the
same thing with your emotions more often than you are aware.  And that is the problem.  You can ignore your emotions and remain
unaware of them until they come back to bite you, as you are wont to say.  Painful emotions can be just as powerful of a
symptom as a bleeding wound, yet you can ignore these or simply push them down
and refuse treatment.  Oh, but they will
come back up again,  we assure you, and often in the most unfortunate ways. 

Do you not realize that painful emotions are doing you a favor?  They are there to show you a wound that needs
healing.  When you ignore them, the wound
festers and grows.  How do you treat a
painful emotion, then?  You thank it for
showing you that something is wrong. 
Then you ask it what it has to teach you.  Then you listen carefully and ask for
certainty to make sure you are not just putting a band aid on the issue.  Then you work to heal the root cause.  Yes, get to the bottom of that wound and
clean it out well.  When you have done your
work, thank the pain again and release it. 
Self-healing.  It is a powerful
tool in your arsenal to raise your consciousness and bring more joy into your