All is vibration.  The leaf trembles.  This is vibration.  A bird sings and warbles.  This is vibration.  A street light flickers.  This is vibration.  Your heart beats.  This is vibration.  What causes the fluttering, the quivering, the beating?  The Great Energy Generator.  It is a kinetic energy—energy without end—the bottomless Source.  The heart may stop beating, but you go on vibrating, pulsating, quivering, for you are Life itself.  That Force that cannot be extinguished. 

Your scientists have not yet detected the Source of this energy.  Like your gravity, they cannot explain it; you merely know that it exists.  So use it, this Life Force.  Call it what you want.  We choose to call it Love. 

May your heart today quiver with the Force of your love.  If you could feel the full Force of the Love that keeps your heart beating, you would fall to your knees.  Instead, stand tall and be your own generator of this love-energy.