You recover from your excesses.  At the dawn of a new day, you say, “Never again.”  At the dawn of a new year you say, “I am starting anew.”  What does it matter if you enjoyed a bit of excess?  It matters not a bit if you learned nothing from it.  Seek balance.  When there is excess, balance it with a bit of deprivation. 

We apologize if the latter has a bit of a negative connotation, but does not “excess” also carry the same feeling?  Excess and deprivation.  Why do both carry a negative vibration?  For they represent opposite ends of a see-saw of sorts.  Where do you find peace?  At the center.  Once again, neither end of the see-saw need be perceived as “bad” if you can learn from it to seek balance.  Once you have experienced the center more often, you will no longer care to stray to the far ends.