You rush about buying gifts for each other—symbols of your love. Why this tradition of bestowing a gift? “I love you. I wish you to know how much you mean to me. Take this gift as a reminder. When you see it, think of me.”

God gives you the gift of life. Each of you is God’s gift to each other. Now when you look upon a fellow human being will you see not the person, but God’s gift to you? A symbol. A reminder. “Think of Me as you see this gift I bestow upon you.” Now look at your hand. Think of God as you look upon and use that hand. It is God’s gift to you. A reminder of how much you are loved.

All around you are reminders. All that you see. Gifts to be used, to be appreciated, to know that you are loved. Your life is a gift. You are a gift. Will you not help the Giver to spread the love?