Beginnings.  You have one each moment.  Be careful when you place your beginning sequentially after an ending.  In this case, one tends to build upon the past.  Linear time will do that to you, but you are both human and spirit.  Humans live in time and build upon the past.  The soul simply is, creating anew … fresh … in each now-moment.  How has linear time been working for you?  You cannot escape it whilst involved in your role, but you can shift beyond it to soul awareness and choose the highest possible action in each moment, independent of the past and perfectly perfect for each moment in which you deposit yourself.  Do you like that word, deposit?  Plunked down, not found there as a result of possibly poor choices in a linear past.  Deposit yourself afresh in each precious moment with fresh ideas, fresh views, and see if you don’t find this way of seeing and being completely re-freshing.