In between
the breaths, what do you have?  Before
the outbreath, after the inbreath, there is stillness.  All of life is like this—action and stillness—action
and reaction … yes, a recurring theme.  We
repeat this often for so many of you become fearful of change, yet fearful of
being stuck.  So much fear!

Change is a
given.  Being stuck is not
permanent.  Welcome change.  Like your breaths, each inbreath brings new
life, new possibilities.  Each outbreath
brings the possibility for more possibilities. 
And in between you rest. 

All is a
cycle.  Birth, followed by experienced,
followed by transition.  Inbreath,
stillness, outbreath, stillness.  Go with
this flow of life instead of against it, and be not fearful.  You can be carried along by the current or
swim upstream.  Many metaphors we give
you today, but all for the purpose of sharing with you that your life need not
be a struggle when you recognize the rhythm.