You crave love, yet you push it away.  What is going on here?  The soul says, “Here we are.  Let us feel the connection we know as love.  It is so delicious.”  The human says, “I could get hurt.  I have been burned before.  I am not worthy.”  Can you feel the difference?  The soul knows only connection.  The human side knows separation.  You are two selves in one vessel for a while, but the soul lives on eternally.  Do you wish to give your attention to that which is ephemeral, or that which carries you through the ages, never changes in its quest for connection, knows only love?  Cast aside your human conditioning and accept the love that is your birthright.  You are worthy by virtue of your very being, by being Love In Full Expression.  Yes, it is true:  You are so very loved.  Now allow yourself to receive love’s gifts.
