Cause and
effect.  It affects all that you do.  It is a natural law—one that brings great
order and predictability to your world.  For
every action there is a reaction.  And so,
something occurs in your life and you know not why.  Trace it back to the cause.  It is not always apparent or immediate.  Others may be involved, and somehow, at a
level you cannot perceive, you are linked.

For every
season there is a reason.  Why all the
phrases about this one concept?  For it
is so very prevalent in life.  What goes
around comes around.  It is true.  Your very thoughts are causes.  They set in motion effects.  This is our point.  Pay attention to the causes—your thoughts.  What you think, you become.  Thoughts create.  Thoughts attract.  It is the law of cause and effect.