Note from Suzanne:  This message
is clearly meant for someone Sanaya knows will read it today.  If not for you, then perhaps you can reach out
and spark that light in someone who cannot find the strength to do so themselves.

You plot your own demise.  You
think that will make a difference.  You think
you will leave all of this pain behind. 
Please take a moment and think of all the pain you will leave behind.
When you hurt so badly, it is difficult to think.  Others can help.  That is the problem—in your pain you fail to
see that others know pain.  Others
understand.  Pain is not your sole
domain.  The soul knows love as its essence.  You will find your way back to the soul
through the grace of Love.  Reach out to
another when you are hurting so badly. 
This will ignite the light inside of you called hope.  You cannot see it now through the darkness of
despair, but it is there. 
Reach out.  You are not alone,
and when you realize that, the long climb out of the abyss has begun.