PorousPorous. This is how we encourage you to view yourself when lower vibrations come your way. What have we told you? That all is energy, and you are that. The physical body is an energetic body, but one that vibrates far more slowly than the spirit body. Yes, others’ lower vibrations can be felt by you and can affect your well-being. There are various ways of “protecting yourself,” as you put it, and all of them use consciousness to do so.

There is the oft-used method of visualizing a shield or bubble around you. This shield is an energetic barrier and can be quite effective. But there is another way. See yourself as the being of light that you are. See yourself as an amalgamation of tiny particles of light, so small that you cannot see the particles. As lower vibrations come towards you, they simply pass through your porous self, lodging nowhere, but dissipating.

There. Is that not more freeing than erecting a wall? Both are effective, yet one allows for flow. Give it a try, why don’t you? Be the light that you are and be free.