In darkness you live,
stumbling about, groping for truth, groping to find your way.  You turn a corner and see a bit of
light.  It is refreshing, full of
hope.  It feels so very different.  You no longer can settle for darkness, and so
you stumble on, but not quite so blindly any longer, until a bit more light reveals
itself.  Now you are beginning to
change.  You most definitely cannot go
back to stumbling. 

Truth is Light.  The light is Love.  Darkness, merely lack of understanding Truth …
neither good nor bad, but oh so far from Light that you must move ever-onward
toward full brightness, full knowing.

Seek the Light and you
shall find it.  Make the choice always
for Light and you will be guided by that self-same Light, for it is the light
of the Soul calling, and you are That.  You
have found the key.  You have found your
way Home.