Look around you.  You can choose to see the world in various ways.  You can see it solid or pixelated as in the waves of energy that make it up.  You can look at your hand and see it the same way.  If you are not always solid—according to the point of view you choose in each moment, then what are you?  You are Awareness, itself, having an adventure.  All of you are.  How could you each share this basic understanding that “I Am aware and I exist” and not share this same origin?  Everything else layered atop is the story.  Oh, so many of them!  And aren’t they wondrous!  Shift your point of view often as you look about or risk getting stuck in the story.  Nothing will keep you stuck in suffering more than believing there is only the story.  Nothing will free you sooner than being willing to shift your point of view. 

You are so very loved!