Little lambs do wander in a flock,
Bleating softly, unaware of danger.
They shuffle about, living only for the moment.
Then return at night to the safety of their manger.

But what of the one who does lose his way?
Forsaking the others for his will to play.
What guides him as he does walk around?
Who does help him as he puts his feet upon the ground?

The answer is the self-same force
That guides all life, and you, of course.
To little creatures life it gives
And to every other thing that lives.

This force, this guidance, this inner knowing
Comes from the source forever glowing.
The breath, the wind that fills the sails
That blows in gusts, that howls and wails
Yet gentle as a breeze too soft to hear it
Comes and whispers, “I am your Spirit.”

Feel me warm you, feel my love.
I’m here within and up above.
I’m everywhere you look, and spaces in between
Places your eyes have never seen.

It’s faith that will you finally lead
To know me and my gifts to heed.
So like the lamb that wanders free
Go forth and know you walk with me.