Two tall buildings took a fall
Hate and evil killed them all
On this sad and tragic day
There are some words we’d like to say

Let not evil into your life
With its stench you world is rife
People kill with hardly a pause
Some say it’s part of a greater cause

It pains us greatly when man loses sight
Of the worth of man, of what is right
When killing comes with equal ease
As the tiny effort it takes to breathe

On this day a group of men
Inflicted terror great and then
Sat back to laugh and brag and boast
Of acts of which they were the host

Understanding of this for most is hard
To look at life with so little regard
It’s sickness they suffer as a whole
This sickness starts within the soul

For taking away the gift of life
And filling so many lives with strife
Reveals a spirit dead within
Unaware and prone to sin

Because to man God gave free will
There’ll always be the ones who kill

But what of those who friends they lose?
Their destinies not free to choose?
When at the hands of sickened hearts
From their lives true love departs?

Think back today, but don’t despair
Those long gone they still are there
Urging all to trust and pray
That more will see the light some day

For now do what small part you can
To carry out your role in God’s plan
Growing always in love and light
Striving ever to do what’s right

Forgiving others who strike out in pain
This kind of thought is never in vain
For love’s the only thing that’s real
The only way to truly heal

Release the anger, but never forget
Into your hearts true love to let
For hate and anger were the cause
So do not give them further pause

Only when man can love one another
Living together like sister and brother
Can peace and love truly reign
And stop the spread of further pain

A lofty goal – impossible you say
But man will never see the day
Until these truths he does enact
Your future rests in this one fact