Bravery …
Going beyond your fears.
Having the courage to face your extinction
Before you have lived all your years.

We do not wish to denigrate
Those whom you tend to call brave,
But courage would come to all
If you knew there was nothing to save.

For death is not as you think it.
It’s merely a change of your state.
If you think death’s a permanent ending,
Then of course you would fear such a fate.

But what if you truly did know
That your awareness does go on forever?
Would there be any need then for courage?
No, you’d be brave for sure come whatever.

To live life without fear now seems hard,
But quite possible it surely can be
Once you understand completely your nature
And come to terms with your true destiny.

Your heroes are real, for they conquer their fears.
But our message is different than this.
There’d be no need for heroes at all
If you knew you were destined for bliss.