A weapon is nothing but
an inert mass until the holder of that weapon makes a choice to use it.  This is free will.  Once that choice is made to harm another, any
weapon will do.

Life is sacred.  Why is this so, if life is eternal?  All life is an expression of God, and God is,
indeed, Love.  You are part of That.  Your brother and sister are part of
That.  The little ant that walks on your
finger unaware that you exist is part of That. 
You go on and on into eternity, existing for the very purpose that God is
Love and wishes to experience its true nature through you.  To use free will to express anything less
than your true nature shows ignorance of who you are and why you are here.  This ignorance is not to be condemned, but
seen with compassion.  If the ignorant
were able to feel compassion, they would not be ignorant, nor would they be
capable of harming another.

Your task is to help
all to open their eyes and see the sacredness of life.  Killing does not end life, but it does end
the opportunity to grow in loving and to express love here and now.  In your grief, may there be awakening to the
reason you are all here, and may more love be felt as a result.  In this way, may good come of this expression
of ignorance.