Take charge of your life. No longer be the victim. No longer blame others outside of yourself for your actions and your choices. When you were a child, you depended on others to teach and guide you. No longer need this be so, save for the lessons others can teach you in being more loving. Now that you can think for yourself, look within for guidance. If the voice that speaks to you is loving and guides you to act in your best interest, send gratitude and heed it. If the voice you hear comes from a place of fear or negativity, that is not your true self.

Take charge of your life. How long must you continue to pay the price for past decisions and memories? There is only now. You are here to enjoy each now-moment, not to wallow in a past that has passed. Enjoy now fully as the powerful spirit-being that you are … as the very presence of Love. The only victim then is any thought that is less than truthful about yourself as you dissolve it in the light of the real you.