Is the world one continuous whole or is it divided into parts?  Both!  Why must things be black and white?  Why must there be wrong or right, day and night?  At the surface level you have two.  Beneath it there’s no me and you … only This … this creative Field so filled with potential that from it arose you and all the other seeming others to dance and play, and yes, to duke it out until you figure out that eventually you will all lie down together and catch your breath and realize the One who is breathing you is You.  Not “either/or,” but “both One and many.”  So what?  It is all about the love arising and the peace that underlies it all. 

You are so very loved.

(Note from Suzanne: What a magical morning! Two hours after receiving this message in meditation, I sat to read. I had downloaded several books on Kindle a month ago and heard in my mind that today was the day to start one of them. I began reading, and in the introduction I found two paragraphs addressing the very topic of this post, including the wording from the title, “The One and the many.” Let’s hear it for God-winks! We truly are part of one big Web of Consciousness.)