Obstacles in your path, such blessings they
are.  Do you curse the tree that falls
and blocks your way, or do you raise your eyes skyward, laugh and say, “Thank
you,” for the turn your life must now take and the new choices you get to
make?  See the blessings as they unfold
and rejoice every moment as you grow old. 
Life is one great adventure, unfolding not always as you foresee it with
your ground-level sight.  That tree that
fell across your path at night could be your greatest gift, causing you to stop
and shift. 
“Halt!  Don’t
go there,” it says quite kindly.  “Do not
move forward, oh so blindly.”  This
obstacle is rather clear.  Others may not
seem so dear, but each twist and turn your life takes has reason.  There is growth in every season.  So curse not the changes in your plans and
the flexibility your life demands, but smile and say, “Ah yes, a bump in the
road I did not expect.  The unseen reasons
I now choose to respect.