soap-bubble-824564_640There is a memory in your life that keeps you trapped.  It plays over and over like a movie to the point where it is no longer helpful.  You know all of the players quite well.  How to stop the movie?  First you must realize that the characters, including yourself, are not the eternal aspects of you.  Place all of them inside a sphere like a large soap bubble, and lovingly move it outside of you and off to the side where you can still see it.  Gaze upon the scene held within it objectively and ask this now-contained scene what lesson(s) it held or holds for you.  Once understood, thank yourself and the other players and move the bubble off to the side and a bit behind you where you need no longer be concerned with it.  Now take a few deep, cleansing breaths to refresh the mind-space the scene once occupied.  Fill it with Light and begin creating a new and helpful scene in this movie you call “My Life in Human Form.”