At times you do need protection.  At times negativity surrounds you.  This is life in your reality.  All are at different stages of their soul’s evolution.  You must make choices from moment to moment.  Do you wish to grow, stay the same, or allow yourself to slip back?  Growth is measured in your capacity to express love.  As you grow, your consciousness rises.  You give off higher vibrations.  Others around you may not. 

Visualize a shield of protective energy around you when surrounded by less than pure light.May this shield be semi-permeable so that only the highest rays get in and all of your rays flow outward.  Does this seem silly to you?  You are pure energy.  All solidity is an illution.  You work with energy using your consciousness.  As you become conscious of this truth, the more you are able to fulfill your purpose of being the presence of Love, the highest vibration.