Note from Suzanne: When I heard the first words today (“A swan’s song”) my initial reaction was, “But I’m not sure what a swan’s song is!” I was immediately put in my place as I was told that each moment is a lesson in trusting this connection. I didn’t need to know. I only had to sit back, trust, and listen. What followed was a poem with a rhyming pattern they’ve never used before (AABA, CCDC, etc.). And of course, when I googled “swan’s song” after the meditation was over, their definition was perfect.

May you all walk about today trusting in the loving guidance available to you each moment when you remember to ask.


A swan’s song … such a lament.
One last tune before life is spent.
Will you leave happy, full of life’s greatest joy?
We know that all wish just to leave here content.

The choices you make determine your direction.
Why is it so many seek naught but perfection?
“I want it all!” you cry as if it’s your right,
Then head off unwilling to accept a correction.

Life is a journey, a winding course.
You wander off aimlessly, as if there’s no Source.
But you’re always guided, directed by Love
That most powerful, certain, unwavering Force.

Relax as you ponder your role in this play.
Worry not so much of what occurs day to day
But watch your thoughts in each moment—what goes on in your mind,
For these do determine how smooth is the way.

We walk right beside you, holding your hand.
Be not frightened as you step into uncharted land.
Life’s an adventure when viewed in this way,
Knowing with God you can meet any demand.