You who reads these words are blessed. 
Do not misunderstand us:  all are
blessed, for all are part of All That Is, the Source, of God, of Spirit, but so
many either do not realize this or forget it in the rushing about of life in
human form.  A daily reminder such as
this is often necessary to take you back to your true essence.  How easy it is to get caught up in the hustle
and bustle of being human.  How easy to
forget that you are Love and you are loved. 
You can turn to all manner of substitutes in the material world to
provide the illusion of being loved, but beyond all illusion you will find
Truth.  There is no need for anything
outside of yourself to experience Essence. 
Read these words:  You are Enough.  If you slip back into the ignorance of your
true magnificence, read these words again and again:  You are blessed.