Soldiers in a battle—that is what you are. We hesitate to use such bellicose words, but quite appropriate are they in reference to your world of light and dark. So many spend so much time in darkness that it becomes like a home. They grow comfortable there. They feed on it like your mushrooms, growing in darkness amidst the stench. All of these negative images we thrust upon you to awaken your understanding that you can bring light into your world. You need not spread the fungus.

Open the windows wide on those in darkness by shining your light so brightly they cannot fail to see it. At first, those mired in negativity may shield the eyes and rebel, but shine on. Soon they will recognize this long-forgotten feeling. The subconscious knows it as love, the true home. Use love as your weapon in this battle against darkness and shine it like a laser until you help those around you to emerge from their hiding place and find their true self.