Relax the rules. 
Most of you are quite unaware of how many rules you impose on this Game
of Life.  When others fail to follow the
rules which you see as sacrosanct, you become upset.  The jaw clenches.  In so being, you have restricted the
unfoldment of greater possibilities.  “But,”
you protest, “without rules, there would be chaos!”  In some cases, perhaps, but today we ask you
to make a list of just a few of the rules you impose on yourself and
others.  Now study them and see if you
might paint outside the box just a bit.  Can
you do so without experiencing fear?  The
fear is a sign that you are clinging to a rule. 
How interesting. 

Make a game of this activity:  “Find the Hidden Rules.”  Then open up to possibilities.  Enjoy the freedom of allowing, for from your
viewpoint greater possibilities are often obscured.  Allow Higher Consciousness to guide the
outcome.  Without so many rules, you may
just be delightfully pleased at the results.