NOTE FROM SUZANNE:  I heard the first line of this message from
Sanaya and recognized they were giving me yet another poem.  When the second verse came through, I balked,
thinking, “Wait a minute, they changed the rhyming scheme.  That’s not right!”  Then Spirit’s brilliance became evident as the
rhyming pattern and the rhythm changed yet again in the third verse, and in
this way the poem teaches the very meaning of its words BY EXAMPLE—just as it
says in the fourth line:  “in such a way
a lesson’s taught.”  (Remember that these
words flow forth in under five minutes with no active thinking on my part.  I had no idea what was coming.) 

I had thought
“that’s not right,” when in fact, the switching of rhyme and meter could not
have been more perfect.  We have set
ideas in our minds of how things should be, but here Sanaya shows us with a
remarkable poem that consciousness is infinite and infinitely creative.  May we all continue to create beauty and love
in our world as co-creators with the Great Creator!

In a poem the
words do rhyme.

They have a
rhythm set in time.

They carry
meaning and invoke thought

In such a way
a lesson’s taught.

The world you
see is one great verse.

It speaks and
sings its song.
We change the
rhyme so you will see

The diversity
that poems bring along.

It matters
not what words we use.

The meter we
do choose.
If back and
forth we bounce.

It matters
not if all makes sense.

If we use terms
like “thus” and “whence,”

None of it
matters not an ounce.

What matters
is the act—

The act of taking

And using it
to make a verse

Where some,
true wisdom they will find.

This is how
creation works

consciousness unfolds

In just the
perfect form and shape

Like clay
placed into molds.

Beauty and

So limitless
are they

When placed together
to create

In just the
perfect way.