Tell one little fib and down you go.  Down where?  Down a slippery slope that leads you farther from the heart.  The soul knows when truth is not present, and it lets you know through clenching of the body.  What are you afraid will happen if you do not tell the truth?  If your words would truly harm another or cause them pain, then quite naturally you may fib, but in most other cases you may find that your resistance to speaking truthfully is a self-protective measure born of fear—fear of not being loved and appreciated or admired.  The soul knows your worth.  That clenching feeling when you do not speak the truth is the soul’s way of getting your attention.  If you do not feel the clenching, then you have slid a bit farther down the slope than is advisable.  Hear us well:  You are loved.  Be true to the Self.