Imagine a world with no competition, only
cooperation.  It is an impossible vision
for most, but there are worlds where only cooperation exists, where it makes no
sense to compete against another.  This
would be tantamount to cutting off one’s own hand.  It is unthinkable … laughable.  In those realities where there is no
competition, all innately know that there is only one Spirit and that they are
part of That.  All thoughts are directed
toward serving and adding to the One.

Do the cells of your body compete against each
other?  Only when there is a cancer, an
imbalance.  So at one level of your existence,
this kind of cooperation exists.  You can
bring this spirit of being to your external world, even if those around you
remain unaware of such a reality.  Try
it.  No competition, only cooperation in
service to the One.  It will change your