cellsWhat is there left to learn?  You know it all already at a cellular level.  Every cell, every atom, every molecule in your body carries the Soul Force, and it is that same Soul Force that courses through the wisest sages of the ages.  It is your task to bring to the surface that which lies in your cellular memory.  How do you do that?  By realizing you are one cell in the body of Spirit, of God, of the One true Being that is not a being at all, but just as you do has love as its essence.  So you awaken your cellular memory by being Love in human form.  Love with all your heart and connect with wisdom, awaken your intuition, and find peace and joy.  It is not just “out there,” it is in every cell of your being.

From Suzanne:  Thank you for your patience the last two days as we uploaded a beautiful new website at www.SuzanneGiesemann.com  It is coming together very well, but not without a few expected kinks to work out.  Improvements continue, so check back in to the site from time to time in the coming week.  Many blessings!