“How could God do this to me?”  We can feel your pain, but such a question shows a misunderstanding of the nature of God.  It is one of the deepest misunderstandings that comes from being told that God loves you, as if God is apart from you.  When you think of God as a benevolent Father, this perpetuates the myth of God as human.  Yes, you are created in the image of God, but not the image of a human being. 

You are pure Awareness, Consciousness projected into the human experience.  “And where’s the Love in that?” You may ask.  Why, God, as Awareness in its purest sense of infinite intelligence and creativity is experiencing life as you!  And en-Joy-ing every experience … the ups and downs … dancing in the opposites, aware that Awareness will always BE and cannot be hurt.  Yes, LIFE—Love In Full Expression—is eternal, for Awareness simply IS and cannot die.  It experiences LIFE at every level of expression, arising and subsiding.

God does not do things to people.  God experiences LIFE as people, pets, plants, and all that is in full Awareness.  Life, death, good, bad, happy, sad … all arise and subside within awareness … one Field of Awareness … connected … indivisible at the deepest level of Awareness.  And where there is no division, pure being, this is Love. 

God did not do this to you.  Experiences arise within Awareness … within the field of Love. The humans who arise in Awareness, created in the image of Awareness, make choices.  You are given the power to choose how to perceive.  Melt back into Awareness … the “Father,” if you will, and make the choice to change your perception. 

May you always remain in awareness of just how loved you are by those who know themselves to be Love In Full Expression.

Note from Suzanne:  This rather lengthy Daily Way message arose in response to my request for assistance after a conversation with a woman filled with anger over the death of a loved one.  I pray this answer is helpful, but the greatest answer comes through the experience of sitting quietly, going within, and asking Awareness, “Who am I?”  Repeat this practice regularly and remain open to what arises.
