What happens when you have a nightmare?  You tell others about it.  You dramatize the story, sharing how awful it felt to experience the images and sensations.  What you are doing is extending the nightmare, lengthening the time you feel bad.  And yet, it was a dream.  By focusing on more earthly things, you are able to find relief.  And what happens when your earthly life, your physical reality becomes nightmarish?  Why, you give it that much more power by telling the story over and over to those who will listen.  It is good to talk about traumatic things and not stuff them down, but what if there is another focus beyond this earthly one, where trauma plays no role?  What if there is a level of pure Being that knows only peace?  It is not boring at all to rest in this state of oneness.  In fact, you have a word for it:  heaven.  You do not get to heaven and relive all of the nightmarish things that happen in the alternate realities.  You bask in the peace.  Heaven is already within you, and you will find it when you no longer allow the human mind to overtake the One Mind.