Get up off of your
couch and stop poisoning your mind.  This
is not an order or a should.  This is merely
a key to raising your vibration.  It is
your choice how you live your life and how high you wish to vibrate.  You know where some of the lowest vibrations
in your current experience come from: 
that little box you call a television. 
It spews negative vibrations at the human who remains transfixed and
magnetized to it.  This very apparatus keeps
you from developing the very relationships which will raise your vibrations the
most.  Connections to a box or to another
human being?  What a choice.  Isn’t life interesting?  Will you watch it or live it?  We do not wish to take away your fun.  There is nothing wrong with entertainment.  It is just like food.  Moderation is advisable, as is choosing the
healthier morsels over those which do you no service.  It is always a choice.