You see a snake and you recoil in fear.  This is the way the human is programmed to act.  Even if no one in your current life had told you to be cautious, it is hard-wired into your brain from the collective consciousness.  So many of your actions are taken because you have awareness of both an individual and a collective consciousness.  Bear in mind that your fellow humans are growing, as are you.  The collective is not always conscious of being part of a greater Consciousness beyond the human.  This is why you instinctively pray to something higher.  You are well advised to do so when you have forgotten who you are and even in full Awareness when you seek comfort and companionship.  You are not only human, beautiful soul.  Do not go along with the crowd if the crowd is not awake and aware of your true nature.  You are so very loved.  Work diligently to bring more love and awareness into your world.
