Note from Suzanne:  As I sat to
meditate at 6 AM, I anticipated the final miles on the road ahead of us this
morning after five months away from home. 
Sanaya’s message was a beautiful reminder for all of us of what and
where home truly is …  many thanks and
much love to all of you for your loving support as Ty and I took the messages
of hope across this beautiful land.

Home is where the heart is.  
This is true.  Home lies within
you.  It is not a physical place that you
go, but a nexus of emotions, the primary one being comfort-love.  The locus of this feeling lies adjacent to
the physical heart.  You can rest your
consciousness in this point of love at any time and thus “go home.”  So, indeed, home—within your physical body—is
where the heart is.  It is also where
your friends and loved ones gather, for do they not engender an upwelling of
love in the heart area?  Go home now,
without ever moving the physical body. 
Move the part of you that never dies to the locus of love that is always
within you, and go home.