Pictures on a wall.  They stop you in your path and you stare.  Memories flood the mind, creating emotions, possibly tears.  Do you see the progression?  Trigger, thought, emotions, tears.  This can be controlled if you do not like the tears.  If they are happy tears and you enjoy the feeling, then read no farther.  If, as the tears fall, you have the desire to retreat from other activities, then do notice the progression of trigger, thought, emotion, tears.

You control your thoughts.  It is that simple.  Go back to the trigger:  in this case, the photo.  Repeatedly walk past it and bring to mind each time a pleasant thought that triggers awareness of love in the heart without sadness—that triggers gratitude.  Be grateful for this love that is present here and now.  By doing so repeatedly as an exercise, you will stop the pattern of “woe is me” thoughts.  That is unfocused mind run amok.

Your loved one gazes upon the same photo as you do so, there present with you, but you cannot feel their presence if you are not present with a focused mind.  Retrain the mind.  Focus and create space in your awareness for love to speak.