Rules are made to bring about order.  Yours is an inherently orderly universe, yet on the surface at times there appears to be chaos.  This is because you are here to express yourself, to create, to experiment, to try.  This requires at times coloring outside the lines.  If you are honest, you will admit that you do not follow the rules all the time.  You have heard the expression “like herding cats.”  This is what it is like trying to enforce rules as a group becomes larger and larger.  Picture once again a disco ball.  Do not all of the lenses face in a different direction?  And so do all of you.  You can line yourselves up for a while and think you have achieved something, but given time, each will march to his own drummer, for each is here to experience life in a slightly different way, and thus you fulfill your purpose.  So yes, have your rules and do your best to follow them, most especially when it ensures safety and health, but it is best for your peace if you do not adhere so strongly to the belief that all must follow the rules all the time.  Flow, dear one, flow, and ask to be guided.  You are so very loved.