What does it mean to be the presence of love?  It is when the true nature of your being radiates from every pore, when you feel yourself flowing like liquid into everything around you, merging and flowing as one with all that is.  In such a state of oneness, you need not try to love, you simply are it. 

Until you reach such a state of flow, it requires a conscious effort to turn on the flow.  Your mind controls the faucet.  You can shut it completely yourself and feel the pressure build, for flowing is the natural state of love.  As you open the faucet and allow forth just a bit of your true nature, more and more of it will want to come out.  Allow it to flow until it gushes forth.  Flow into others.  Flow into all that is.  Be a veritable fountain of love. 

Silly?  Do you think so?  Just try it and be the judge.  Stopped up or flowing?  Why do you intuitively know the answer, yet you hold back in opening full force the faucet?