Zero tolerance—a term you use for when there are no exceptions to your rules. “There will be none of that, or you will have to pay the consequences.” A zero sum game. All or nothing. One or the other. Is this not a bit rigid? Is not life about experience and experimenting? Do you not learn from trying and failing? Oh, but we hear your rational mind at work, and even in the spirit world we can see how you would not tolerate certain actions. Understand that all that you know as evil springs from ignorance of spiritual truths—that there is naught but God, and God is love and goodness. All else is ignorance and illusion.

Today we speak to you not of extremes, but of you and your day-to-day actions and thinking. Are you a bit rigid? Do you have a zero tolerance mentality? Do you see how this can hold you prisoner and not allow growth and learning? This is often learned behavior. Relax your self-imposed rules. See things from a different angle. Most of all, today see yourself from a different angle—one who is here to learn to express your true and only Self.

Be that which you are: goodness and love at the core. Be that, and you can tolerate ignorance in others, sending them loving kindness until they, too, discover Reality.