head vs heartDo not second guess your Self. Was that your intuition or your imagination? The first thing you hear or sense can be trusted. That is why second guessing oft leads you astray. Intuition is not your sixth sense, but the first. It comes in through the spirit body via the heart first and then it is processed by the brain second. The heart feels and the brain analyzes. That secondary action causes second-guessing and third guessing and fourth, until doubt takes over and you fail to act. Trust. Trust the heart. Trust intuition. It is your first line of defense of ego’s doubting ways. It comes from the First Cause. Doubting is second-nature to ego. Your Higher Self is quite trustworthy. Ego is not. Do not second guess your Self, but follow its subtle prompts and nudges until you learn to put it not second, not first, but above all else.

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