Many times a couple does get together for the wrong reasons. They are attracted by physical desire–and there is nothing wrong with this–but then they do mistake their affection for each other for true love. The love they feel is quite often based on “How can you make me feel better about myself?” While this kind of love is real, it can be temporary, and it most certainly is based on conditions. If these conditions are not met, then you do deem the other unworthy of your love.
True love places no conditions. It matters not how the other behaves, speaks, thinks, or treats you. When you truly love another without conditions, you love that other’s True Self–the spirit. And you can only love in this way when you are loving from your own spirit. This is a true soul connection. This love wavers not. If you feel your love for another wavering, then ego is involved, and it is only ego that places demands.
Love from that place inside you that demands nothing, but is the source of all love. There you will find love enough to last a lifetime and into the next.