How could you be anything but This?  Awareness is your very nature since before time began.  Yet, it is so present, so much a part of your being, that you overlook it.  You go seeking through meditation, through spiritual teachers, and books for that illusive God, that illusive Source, that long-lost Love that everyone says lies within you, but where is it?  Shift your focus.  Cease looking and be.  Be silent.  Be aware.  Be that briefest of moments when there is not thought, no emotion, no images … and that is it.  That is This.  That is pure consciousness, pure awareness from which arise all thoughts, feelings, sensations, images.  All that is temporary and flowing arises from that briefest of moments of stillness and potential and peace.  Can you find it?  It was never lost, just obscured by all the thoughts, feelings, and flowing sensations that the mind finds so utterly fascinating.  Cease being fascinated by your creations and find the very water from which you arise, little wave.

Note from Suzanne:  And if the ego says, “So what?  I don’t get this.”  “This” is the key to peace.