heartNote from Suzanne:  You will notice a new look to Sanaya Says.  This is thanks to the gift of an angel named Katie Benedetto, a brilliant website developer, who suggested that it would be better to integrate the daily posts from Sanaya into my website than to use the separate Blogger site I have been using .  Katie’s timing was divine, as I have been getting daily error messages and have sensed that the Blogger site was close to crashing.  Now all posts will be backed up regularly.  Please bear with us as we tweak the new page.  The archive system has a little bug, but all 1908 past posts are there.  (Can you believe it:  1908 posts … Thank you, Sanaya!)  We are working on the “category” function so that you will be able to find just the right subject at any time, and I’ll figure out how you can add comments, so stay tuned.  In the meantime, the messages and the energy should remain consistent … it’s all about love.