You worry that your loved one will not be there to greet you when you pass.  They have gone before you, and what if they enter into another body for another life experience before you arrive?  Set such fears aside, dear ones.  You will see them again.  They have never left your side at the level of Consciousness.  You may call it what you want, this force that animates all that is.  One need not have a body to exist.  Your loved ones exist as the beautiful souls you came to know and love.  Spirit can be changed, but never destroyed.  Yes, it is the Law.  Spirit is not limited to one body at a time.  One story at a time.  Life is eternal as Spirit arises in limitless forms, in limitless ways.  Do not limit your perception of how your loved ones exist after the body returns to dust.  What love has brought together, let no human thoughts limit. 

You are so very loved.
